- "Russia: Tough Investment Environment" - Sakhalin LNG [Download]
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Spring 2008 - "Butting Brains" [Download]
January 2007 - "The Alaska Gas Pipeline Story - As it Stands Now" [Download]
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer 2006 - "Modern Reserves Disclosure" [Download]
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer 2005, Vol 24, No 2., pp. 23-30. - "Impressive Libya licensing round contained tough terms, no surprises"
Oil & Gas Journal
April 18, 2005, pp. 29-37. - "Higher Prices, Lower Government take?" [Download]
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Fall/Winter 2004, Vol 23, No 3, pp. 98-104. - "More on the Savings Index"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer 2004, Vol 23, No 2, pp. 112-120. - "The new reality: Determining realistic offshore licensing terms"
Offshore Magazine
February, 2004, pp. 84. - "From Exodus to Feeding Frenzy-Opposite Ends of the Spectrum"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Fall/Winter 2003, Vol 22, No 3, pp. 122-129. - "Limitations of Modern Reserve Disclosure"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer 2003, Vol 22, No 2, pp. 53-74. - "What not to say - Famous last words" [Download]
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Spring 2003, Vol. 22, No. 1. - "Value of Reserves-in-the-Ground"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Fall/Winter 2002, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 120-132. - "Government Take - Not a Perfect Statistic"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer 2002, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 101-108. - "The Bidding Dilemma"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Spring 2002, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 72-86. - "Kashagan and Tengiz - Castor and Pollux" [Download]
PetroMin Magazine - Singapore
December, 2001 - "Key Elements of Petroleum Fiscal Design"
Nefti Rossii or " Petroleum of Russia"
July, 2001, pp. 48-51. (with D. Johnston and D. Munkhbold) - "Finger on the pulse"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer 2001, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 118-124. - "Economic Modeling/Auditing - Art and Science - Part II"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Spring 2001, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 90-100. - "Government Take for Petroleum Exploration and Development"
Wall Chart
PennWell Books 2001 - "Economic Modeling/Auditing - Art and Science - Part I"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Fall/Winter 2000, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 120-137. - Chapter 5
International Exploration and Production Ventures: A Business Perspective, AAPG
2000, Edited by G. Kronman, D. Felio, T. O'Connor - "Fiscal System Design: The Ideal System"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer 2000, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 121-127. - "Royalty relief extension vital" (with A. Derman)
Oil & Gas Journal
8 May., 2000. pp. 24-30. - "The International Gas Industry"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Fall/Winter 1999, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 148-167. - "Maturing Planet, Tougher Terms Change Upstream Landscape"
Oil & Gas Journal Special End-of-the-Century Issue
13 Dec., 1999 . pp. 16-20. - "Fiscal Systems"
9 Sep., 1999. - "Fiscal System Design - Challenging Times"
Geopolitics of Energy, CERI
August, 1999, Issue 21, Num. 8, pp. 2-8. - "Current Developments in Production Sharing Contracts and International Petroleum Concerns"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer 1999, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 136-142. - "A Fiscal Review: The Relative Commercial Attractiveness of Latin American Oil and Gas Regimes"
Oil & Gas Development in Latin America, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation - "Bonuses enhance upstream fiscal system analysis" (with A. Derman)
Oil & Gas Journal
8 Feb., 1999 . pp. 51-55. - "Trends and issues in foreign PSCs"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer 1998, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 50-61. - "Gas Find is Mixed Blessing Overseas"
American Oil & Gas Reporter
June, 1998. pp. 72-75. - "Terms, Risk Key In International Deals"
American Oil & Gas Reporter
Apr., 1998. pp. 51-57. - "Refinery Complexity implications of value and product slate"
Hydrocarbon Asia
July/August Issue 1998 pp. 34-37. - "Observations on international investment in oil"
Oil & Gas Finance and Accounting
Volume 12, Number 4, Winter 1997, pp. 236-246. - "Index useful for evaluating petroleum fiscal systems"
Oil & Gas Journal
1 Dec., 1997 . pp. 49-51. - "Revenue Protection and Entitlement Indices Enhance Contract Analysis"
PETROMIN Magazine,
Dec 1997, pp. 22-24. - "State-of-the-Art in Petroleum Fiscal System Analysis"
Oil & Gas Finance and Accounting
Volume 12, Number 3, Autumn 1997, pp. 147-163. - "Thinking of Going International? Some useful tips"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer 1997, Vol. 16, No. 2 , pp. 1-14. - "Russia - Beyond the horizon"
OFFSHORE Magazine,
April, 1997. - "State-of-the-Art in Petroleum Fiscal System Analysis"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer Issue, 1996, pp. 1-15. - "International Competitiveness of the New Zealand Petroleum Regime"
Petroleum Exploration in New Zealand News
Vol. 46, Mar., 1996, pp. 10-16. - "Contractor/Government Take: Old Concept - New Terminology"
Oil & Gas Law and Taxation Review
April, 1996, Volume 14 Issue 4, pp 143-146. - "How to calculate contractor/government take"
AIPN Newsletter
Mar., 1996, pp. 6-10. - "Complexity index indicates refinery capability, value"
Oil & Gas Journal
18 Mar., 1996 , pp. 74-80. - Chapter 7
1996 Offshore Atlas of World Oil & Gas Theatres, PennWell
1996, ISBN 0-87814-457-9 - "Fiscal Terms - VENEZUELA "
Oil & Gas Investor
Jan., 1996, pp. 60-61. - "Contractor Take - Evolving Terminology"
January, 1996, pp. 60-61. - "Different Fiscal Systems Complicate Reserve Values"
Oil & Gas Journal
May 29, 1995, pp. 39-42. - "Deepwater and Frontier Fiscal Terms"
March, 1995, pp. 48-55. - "New Zealand's Terms Result in Higher Contractor Take"
March, 1995, pp. 62-70. - "New Zealand Exploration -- Outline of Fiscal and Allocation System"
Oil & Gas Law and Taxation Review
Vol. 13 Issue 1, Jan., 1995, pp. D-7 to D-9. - "Super-Giant Oil Fields and Future Prospects in the Middle East", (with Christian, L.)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin
Abstract, v. 79, No. 6, p. 907. - "Global Petroleum Fiscal Systems Compared by Contractor Take"
Oil & Gas Journal
12 Dec., 1994 , pp. 47-50. - "License Terms Balance Risk Against Return on Investment"
American Oil & Gas Reporter
Nov., 1994, pp. 42-46. - "International Double Taxation" (with Anderson, R.)
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer Issue, 1994, pp. 189-198. - "International Petroleum Fiscal Systems"
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
Summer Issue, 1994, pp. 24-75. - "The Production-Sharing Concept: Variations on a Theme"
Oil & Gas Law and Taxation Review
Vol. II Issue 6, 1993, pp. 201-204. - "Deepwater Economics Southeast Asia "
July, 1993, pp. 46-53. - "Fiscal Terms Make or Break Projects"
American Oil & Gas Reporter Magazine
Jun., 1993, pp. 61-63. - Foreword
OIL INDUSTRY OUTLOOK - 9 th Edition 1993-1997
PennWell Books, 1993 - "The New International Oil Industry"
ROUSTABOUT Magazine, Aberdeen
Dec., 1992, pp. 34-35. - "Myanmar Exploration Hitting Stride on 1989-90 Licensing Round Blocks" (with Aung Khin, J.)
Oil & Gas Journal
7 Dec., 1992 , pp. 54-61. - "Southeast Asia Activity on the Rise" (with Aung Khin, J.)
Oil & Gas Journal
21 Sept., 1992 , pp. 66-70. - "The Production Sharing Concept"
Aug., 1992, pp. 26-34. - "Definitions Clarify Cash Flow Analysis" (with D., Zipprich)
Oil & Gas Journal
27 Apr., 1992 , pp. 39-43. - "Asia Pacific Refinery Complexity"
Hydrocarbon Asia
January/February Issue 1992 - "Share and Share Alike - The Production Sharing Concept"
Oil & Gas Investor
Jan., 1992, pp. 34-39. - "Economics of Improved Drilling Performance in Alaska's Cook Inlet" (with Estes, R; Unger, E.)
December, 1991, pp. 44-46. - "Albania Has Active But Difficult Drilling Program" (with Shehu, F.)
Oil & Gas Journal
18 Nov., 1991 , pp. 83-88. - "Technical and Economic Aspects of The Gulf of Mexico "
May, 1991 pp. 8-15. - "Many Factors Influence International Reserve Values"
Petroleum Engineer Intl .
July, 1990, pp. 36-40. - "How Indonesian Production Sharing Contracts Work"
July, 1990, pp. 42-44. - "Exploration Programs Stirring in Myanmar " (Petzet, A.,: Interview of D. Johnston )
Oil & Gas Journal
May 7, 1990, pp. 35-38. - "Contractual Terms Luring Operators to SE Asia" (with Aung Khin, J.)
May, 1989, pp. 56-62. - "Rules Help Evaluate Oil and Gas Acquisitions"
Oil & Gas Journal
Feb. 20, 1989, pp. 49-51. - "ECONOMIC MODELS - Development Proposals Require Auditing"
Dec., 1988, pp. 42-44. - "Field Development Options for Deep Water"
Oil & Gas Journal
May 5, 1986, pp. 132-142. - "Drilling Statistics Influence Most Appropriate Risk Technique" (with Caldwell, R.)
Oil & Gas Journal
Dec. 30, 1985, pp. 136-144.
- Refinery Complexity Index
Oil & Gas Journal Energy Database
Spring, 1992 - Worldwide Refinery Complexity Analysis
Oil & Gas Journal Energy Database
14 th Edition, 2005