This database report represents a collection of information that spans two decades. Ideal for those involved in international exploration, contract negotiations and petroleum fiscal system design. This report holds public information which is obscure and difficult to gather-making it a great value and a timesaver. It is an excellent source of reference that depicts the diversity of petroleum exploration, development and production contract terms around the world.
- Country/System Listing (130 Countries/352 Regimes and Contracts)
- Abbreviations, Acronyms and Symbols
- Introduction
- Database Format
- Example Analysis Format and Definitions
- Example Production Sharing Contract - and Analysis
- World Petroleum Fiscal System Statistics
- One-page summaries and analysis
- One-line summaries
- Glossary

The version of the graph shown at right by Johnston was first published in the Oil & Gas Journal in 1994 and later in December 2000. The new full-color laminated chart shows information on over 150 countries/contracts/systems listing:
- Contract/system "Vintage"
- Government participation
- Effective royalty rate
- Government take
Further, it includes statistical summary insets of Typical Contract Terms, World Petroleum Fiscal Systems Statistics, and Statistics for the More Prospective Countries (20th percentile), and Definitions.